Productive performance of Clarias gariepinus fed alternative diets




food, catfish, local, byproducts


Due to the growing need for new food formulations with local ingredients, the productive behavior of 72 juvenile of Clarias gariepinus (100.16 ± 1.72 g initial weight) fed with different diets during the fattening period was evaluated. A completely randomized design of three treatments with three repetitions and Duncan significance test at 5 % probability was used. The treatments were the control (commercial food, AC) and two humid diets with fishery by-products and broken soybeans and as energy source, one with cassava meal (HY) and the other with wheat bran (ST). The amounts of crude protein supplied per fish were similar between the control and cassava meal diet (78.9, 77.0 y 88.4 g). Growth did not show differences between the diets (final weights of 291.43, 284.21 and 241.29 g). The feed conversion was unfavorable with the humid diets (1.23, 1.81 y 2.21), while the protein efficiency was the same for the control and the diet with cassava meal (2.41, 2.40 y 1.61). Survivals were 100% for all treatments. The economic analysis showed monetary savings due to feeding with humid diets ($ CUP 17,316 y 14,543), since they were made from by-products available in the territory and there was no significant variation in the zootechnical indicators. It is concluded that alternative diets promoted good productive behaviors in juveniles of C. gariepinus, with a positive economic effect.


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Scientific note

How to Cite

Llanes - Iglesias, J. (2024). Productive performance of Clarias gariepinus fed alternative diets. Tropical Aquaculture , 2(2).