Comparative study between live weight and sexual dimorphism in six generations of Nile tilapia GIFT
sexual dimorphism, family group, Oreochromis niloticus, phenotypic variabilityAbstract
The present investigation focused on the results obtained to evaluate the traits of live weight and sex through comparative analysis based on the number of generations. A total of 86 groups of GIFT Nile tilapia families were obtained along six generations of the genetic improvement program in Cuba. It was observed how the average live weight of the fish increased when passing from one generation to the next. The best results were found in generations five and six with values greater than 500 g (514 g and 612 g, respectively). A regression analysis was performed, obtaining a coefficient of determination (R2) of 60.9 %, demonstrating that the generation and sex effects explain approximately 61 % of the phenotypic variability shown by the live weight trait. At the same time, the superiority of the males was evident since the beginning of the genetic improvement program, with an average weight of 776 g in the males and 470 g in the females. The main result was a significant increase in live weight in GIFT Nile tilapia with the advance of the selective program applied to both sexes, showing superiority for males.
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