Manipulated Photoperiod Enhances Sperm Production and Quality in Male Gray Snapper Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus, 1758): A Potential Approach for Tropical Aquaculture

Induction of maturation in male gray snapper by photoperiod manipulation




controlled photoperiod, gray snapper, males, Reproductive manipulation


Photoperiod manipulation has been used as an alternative non-invasive method to stimulate sexual maturation in fish. It consists mainly in influencing spatially and temporally the physiological control of the animal over its reproductive period. There are few studies on the effect of photoperiod in male fish and much less for tropical climates. Because of this, the present study focused on inducing gonadic maturation in male grey snapper (Lutjanus griseus), manipulating the duration of the sexual maturation season of five months into two months; the compressed months were March to July. From the fourth week of March (12h and 30 min light), adjustments of 2.4 minutes per day were made until reaching the hours of light corresponding to the maximum estimated peak in the year (13h and 42 min light). All fish confined under artificial photoperiod had a significant response in sperm production. In addition, greater fluidity and greater sperm motility were observed, with a higher number of sperm cells than in the natural photoperiod. These results will allow extending the months of reproductive management of this species using controlled photoperiod.


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How to Cite

Jiménez-Peralta, M. de J. ., Contreras-Sánchez, W. M., Contreras-García, M. de J. ., & Salvadores-Baledón, M. L. (2023). Manipulated Photoperiod Enhances Sperm Production and Quality in Male Gray Snapper Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus, 1758): A Potential Approach for Tropical Aquaculture: Induction of maturation in male gray snapper by photoperiod manipulation. Tropical Aquaculture , 1(1).

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